Monday, May 4, 2009

So, I finally join the blogosphere...

After many a month spent viewing a number of excellent blogs, I've decided to join the madding crowd and stick a few thoughts into cyberspace and see if they find any signs of life.

My profile says a bit about me, and posts in the future will probably tell you a lot more, if you come back! The official writing on the UDH Boy tin says "Head of spot fx trading for a European bank" on the side of it with "Lucky husband and Dad of three great kids I'd break down walls for" on the front and back. My beautiful family get a lot less of my time than they deserve, but they mean everything to me, whilst my work demands a lot more of my time than I actually get paid for, and I often wish the lotto man would come and make it all go away!

A common issue no doubt and absolutely one of the occasionally droned tones I will come back with presently.

It's not without a decent dollop of apprehension that I start this process - some of the wittiest, cleverest and most liked people on the planet seem to inhabit a very busy and sometimes cliquey-feeling world here on blogspot, and I know that this is just one blog hosting venue among practically gabillions out there on the interweb thingy.
My blogging skills are probably not up to any clever tricks like strikethrough text and photo montages, although I could probably find a youtube clip to show me how to do it... something to do at "work" tomorrow then.

That all said, we all like to be as funny and well liked as the next man...I now generally sit next to an empty seat in my workplace, so with that particular goal well and truly conquered I feel obliged to listen to the self indulgent imp that sits on my shoulder saying "wriiiite something! (and try to make it funny)".

My inital hopes for the blog are actually just to write something that I like, and hope similarly warped others find it interesting, funny, thought provoking or just useful for those bouts of insomnia which even the Nytol won't touch.

My topics of expertise are rare and revolve pretty much exclusively around a couple of pairs of fast moving numbers on an altogether bigger than necessary array of computer screens (* or the results of Birmingham City FC in seasons 1983/84 - 88/89).
My topics of knowing-a-little-bit-about-that are a bit more common and varied and probably, upon reflection, a lot more interesting. Although you are all going to enjoy some lovely nostalgia about the downs and downs of The Blues in my latter formative years. Oh yes you are!! (panto will not normally feature).

I'll sign off now as it is way past bedtime for me, but hope to kick things off aproper tomorrow. Till then, as we Birmingham supporters say, Keep Right On...

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogosphere, UDH... despite the gigagabillions out there, it somehow seemed incomplete without you :-)
